Camp Hope is a week long Catholic youth camp focused on summer fun, deep friendships, and an ever growing relationship with Christ and His Church. Set in peaceful and rustic Upper Bucks County Pennsylvania, Camp Hope serves students exiting 2nd to 9th grades. The camp’s program is grounded in two principles: having fun and learning about God. Each day begins with Mass and the campers daily partake in a time of teaching, prayer and the opportunity for confession. Throughout the middle of the day, various activities take place. Campers play sports, go hiking, do arts and crafts, play board games, fish, kayak, swim, and most importantly, build strong Christian relationships with other campers and counselors. Also, each night there is a different night activity that is unique and creative. Camp Hope seeks to challenge campers both physically and spiritually, while fostering an enjoyable and strengthening Catholic experience. The entire staff is trained and prepared to serve, allowing for a safe and supportive experience. We hope to see your child at Camp Hope this year!